Coding Camp 2024, the Science and Youth study week again at USI


Institutional Communication Service

16 September 2024

Coding Camp 2024 is an initiative of the Science and Youth programme in which, in addition to USI, EPFL, Fachhochschule Nord West Brugg-Windisch, IBM Switzerland and Microsoft Switzerland collaborated.

From 9 to 13 September, USI Faculty of Informatics hosted 9 young students aged between 16 and 19 from the cantons of Aargau, Berne and Zurich, to discover how varied, futuristic and fascinating information and communication technologies can be by dedicating themselves to programming under the guidance of experts. Divided into 3 groups, the participants were involved in activities such as programming an artificial intelligence to play Rock-Paper-Scissors, or a smart greenhouse.

On Friday 13, all Coding Camp participants (33 in total) travelled to IBM Zurich-Altstetten in the afternoon for the final project presentations.

For more information on the Coding Camp: