AI and the Rights of the Child: identifying knowledge gaps, requirements and methods needed for a respectful technology

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Date: 9 May 2023 / 10:30 - 11:30

USI Campus Est, room D1.14, Sector D

Speaker: Stéphane Chaudron

Artificial intelligence-based internet and digital technologies offer children many opportunities but, if not properly designed and used, they may also negatively affect some of their rights, such as their right to protection, participation, education and privacy. Parents, teachers and children are rarely directly involved in policymaking or research that aims to mitigate the risks and augment the benefits of AI. But when designing policies the more stakeholders interact, the more we can ensure that all sides’ perspectives are considered. Stephane Chaudron will present her work on AI and the rights of the child, seeking to shed light on these aspects. She will invite the audience to question and discuss the key requirements trustworthy AI should be driven by, the methods for enabling a more effective engagement between key stakeholders, and the knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to ensure that children’s fundamental rights are respected when they interact with AI technology in their daily lives.

Stéphane Chaudron works on research projects dedicated to Digital technologies and their impact on children's rights. After nine years of research at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2013-2022), she works as an expert for UNICEF, the Council of Europe, European Schoolnet, ISF, Telefono Azzuro. She has coordinated the large European Research Networks and the research project ‘Kids’ Digital Lives in Covid Times’ on the foundation of the research project ‘Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology’ that started in 2015. She also undertook ground-breaking research on security and safety of the Internet of Toys and explored the effect of the digital transformation on the use of personal data and the concept of identity. She is the creator of awareness raising and communication materials for cyber security and digital safety, including serious games for children and youth: Happy Onlife and Cyber Chronix. Stephane has a background in Social Geography and Science Pedagogy (UCLouvain, Imperial College, European Schoolnet)

Host: Prof. Monica Landoni