
From Adaptive Goals to Self-adaptive Service Compositions

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Start date: 22 November 2010

End date: 23 November 2010

SPEAKER: Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano
DATE: Monday, November 22nd 2010
PLACE: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, room A22, Red Building (Via G. Buffi 13)
TIME: 14.30

This talk is about a comprehensive solution for the definition, design, and implementation of self-adaptive service-based applications. Service compositions provide the backbone of many complex business processes in a flexible and loosely coupled way. A composition assembles the functionality provided by disparate, remote services in a seamless way. Since all capabilities are provided remotely, these applications adapt to changes and new business needs by simply selecting new partner services to interact with. Despite their success, a clear link between the actual compositions and the requirements they are supposed to meet is still missing. The embedded dynamism imposes that requirements also state how a composition can evolve and adapt at runtime. To this end, this talk introduces FLAGS, an extension of classical goal models to provide an innovative means to represent both conventional (functional and non-functional) requirements and adaptation policies. To increase the support to dynamism, the proposal also distinguishes between crisp goals, whose satisfiability is boolean, and fuzzy goals, which can be satisfied at different degrees; adaptation goals are used to render adaptation policies. The talk also presents the target runtime infrastructure where goals and services coexist to provide a "complete" solution. The information provided in the goal model is used to automatically devise the composition and its adaptation capabilities. The goal model is a live, runtime entity whose evolution helps govern the actual adaptation of the application.

Luciano Baresi is an associate professor in Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of Politecnico di Milano, where he got both his Laurea Degree and Ph.D. in Computer Science. Luciano was also visiting researcher at University of Oregon at Eugene (USA) and University of Paderborn (Germany).
Luciano has served on the PC of a number of international software engineering conferences and was the program co-chair of ICECCS'02 (International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems), FASE'06 (ETAPS Conference on Fundamental Approaches on Software Engineering), ICWE'07 (International Conference on Web Engineering), and ICSOC'09 (International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing). He is also on the editorial board of "Service Oriented Computing and Applications," published by Springer.
Luciano co-authored some 100 papers for the major international conferences and journals in the broad field of software engineering. He also served as principal investigator of different european and national projects. His research interests are in software engineering, and currently he is particularly interested in dynamic software systems, service-oriented applications, and software architectures.
More detailed information is available at

HOST: Prof. Walter Binder