Siena C++ API documentation (v. 0.4.3b5)

Filter Class Reference

#include <Siena.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Filter ()
 Filter (const Filter &)
Filteroperator= (const string &)
bool operator== (const Filter &) const
iterator add_constraint (const string &, SXOperator, const AttributeValue &)
iterator add_constraint (const string &, const AttributeConstraint &)
Filterreduce ()

Detailed Description

expression filtering notifications

A Filter represents a boolean expression to be evaluated against an Notification. It consists of a set of constraints. Each constraint poses a condition on an attribute of the Notification. A Filter can pose multiple constraints on the same attribute.

A Filter is implemented by means of a multimap<string, AttributeConstraint>, therefore a Filter can be manipulated using all the methods of a standard multimap. Two additional utility methods are provided to add constraints.

See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Filter::Filter  ) 

default constructor

creates an empty filter (always false)

Filter::Filter const Filter  ) 

copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

iterator Filter::add_constraint const string &  ,
const AttributeConstraint

adds a constraint to this filter

iterator Filter::add_constraint const string &  ,
SXOperator  ,
const AttributeValue

adds a constraint to this filter


Filter& Filter::operator= const string &   ) 

fills in the constraints of this notification from a string representation of a filter

     Filter f;

     f = "{ dest = \"MXP\" price < 850 }";

bool Filter::operator== const Filter  )  const

equality operator

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Copyright © 2001 University of Colorado.
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