Context Aware Collaborative IoT Services in a Smart World

Istituto del software

Data: 22 Luglio 2024 / 11:00 - 12:00

USI East Campus, Room D1.13

Speaker: Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cadiz, Spain

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved significantly in the last decades and, together with the proliferation and affordability of mobile devices and communications, has led to the emergence of multiple applications for a Smart World, where real-time IoT data processing allows for improved decision making through smart applications, be it smart cities, smart health, smart shopping, etc. On the other hand, context awareness refers to the ability of applications or services to use the knowledge of other contexts beyond the application domain to provide a better service to the end user. The service or application must be able to obtain context from various sources in the application domain environment in order to personalise the service and thus improve satisfaction with it, which requires not only the willingness of various entities in society to collaborate but also agreement on the technology to be used. In this talk we will discuss a number of challenges to be faced for the development of collaborative context-aware services and applications for a smart world as well as some existing solutions in particular domains.

Biography: Guadalupe Ortiz is Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, at the University of Cadiz (Spain). She has participated continuously as a researcher in national research projects and actions since 2002 and as Lead Researcher in several national and regional projects. Additionally, she has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in international journals, workshops, and conferences. She has been a member of various programme and organization committees of scientific workshops and conferences over the last years and acts as a reviewer for several JCR-indexed journals. Her research interests were born embracing aspect-oriented techniques to improve Web service development in various fields, with an emphasis on model-driven extra-functional properties and quality of service, as well as service context-awareness and their adaptation to mobile devices. Currently, her research focuses on addressing the challenges posed by the development of context-aware collaborative applications and services for the Internet of Things by integrating complex event processing into service-oriented architectures to improve decision making in various domains such as smart cities and ambient assisted living and ultimately towards a smarter world.

Chair: Cesare Pautasso

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