Time-Sensitive Information Retrieval

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

Data d'inizio: 28 Marzo 2011

Data di fine: 29 Marzo 2011

SPEAKER: Fernando Diaz, Research scientist at Yahoo
DATE: Monday, March 28th, 2011
PLACE: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, room A22, Red building (Via G. Buffi 13)
TIME: 15.30

Portal web search engines must support a wide variety of user queries.  Those queries which deal with late-breaking news or emerging topics are amongst the most difficult classes of queries for a search engine to support.  In this presentation, I will be describing the detection of queries on emerging topics and how a search engine can best support them.  Topics will include automatic query classification, news vertical federation, web resource discovery, and ranking. 

Fernando Diaz is a research scientist at Yahoo! Labs New York. His primary research interest is formal information retrieval models. Fernando's research experience includes distributed information retrieval approaches to web search, interactive and faceted retrieval, mining of temporal patterns from news and query logs, cross-lingual information retrieval, graph-based retrieval methods, and synthesizing information from multiple corpora. Fernando received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2008.  His work on federation won the best paper awards at the SIGIR 2009 and WSDM 2009 conferences. 

HOST: Prof. Fabio Crestani

Dean's Office - Faculty of Informatics
Università della Svizzera italiana
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 - 6904 Lugano
[email protected]- www.inf.usi.ch