
Convergent Context-Driven Computer Communications: The Road to the Future Internet

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Start date: 16 June 2011

End date: 17 June 2011

The Faculty of Informatics is pleased to announce a seminar given by Jacob Chakareski

DATE: Thursday, June 16th, 2011
PLACE: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, room SI-008, Black building (Via G. Buffi 13)
TIME: 10.30

The Internet has evolved from the mere academic curiosity it represented at its inception, interconnecting just a few universities on the West Coast, to the present user and content centric behemoth network delivering a wide array of services to millions of people across the globe. The ongoing technological advances that are the driving force behind the Internet innovation today promote a remarkable convergence of people, devices, and content that in turn exhibits a plethora of contextual information. The goal of my research is to take advantage of this convergence to optimize information systems and design novel services thereby opening the road to the next generation context-driven data networking. The talk will overview three related investigations in which I have used contextual information to provide enhanced performance and cost efficient operation. Specifically, I will show how node and link weighted maximum spanning trees can be constructed for broadcast of user generated content in online communities. I will also show how peer-to-peer systems can be optimized in terms of topology construction and data packet scheduling for the goal of live media streaming. Finally, in the context of IPTV I will overview our optimization framework for allocating bandwidth and forward error correction resources across the client population such that substantial performance advances are achieved over conventional techniques. At the end of the talk, I will summarize my recent research on multiple view imaging in the context of immersive multimedia environments.

Jacob Chakareski is an Associate Scientist at EPFL where he conducts research, lectures, and supervises students. He completed his doctoral thesis in the Information Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. His research interests span computer networking, multimedia communications, decentralized multi-agent systems, and wireless multi-hop networks. He is a recipient of fellowships from Texas Instruments and the Soros Foundation. Most recently, he was awarded the Swiss NSF Ambizione Career Award that recognizes research excellence among junior researchers at Swiss universities.

Dr. Chakareski has held research positions with Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. He has authored one monograph, three book chapters, and over 100 international publications, and has nine pending or approved patent applications. He actively participates in technical and organizing committees of several IEEE conferences and symposia on a yearly basis. He was a publicity chair for the Packet Video Workshop in 2007 and 2009 and for the Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Multimedia Communications and Networking at ICME 2009. He organized and chaired a special session on telemedicine at MMSP 2009. Chakareski won the best student paper award at the IS&T/SPIE VCIP 2004 conference.

HOST: Prof. Mauro Pezzè, Prof. Michael Brostein